Diskussion:Die Verlorene Küste
Ich schlage vor, den Artikel jetzt - wo er noch überschaubar ist zu verschieben (z.B. Die Verlorene Küste (Event), Die Verlorene Küste (Erweiterung) o.ä.). Der Grund dafür liegt in dem gleichnamigen Gebiet, das mit dem Update hinzugefügt werden wird. Jetzt ist der Artikel noch überschaubar. Wenn er in 2 Wochen ähnliche Dimensionen, wie der Halloween-Artikel angenommen hat wird es umso mühseliger alle Verlinkungen zu ändern. --Grinhorn 16:28, 6. Nov. 2012 (CET)
- Könnte man provisorisch schonmal machen, gute Idee. Aber die Übersetzer haben immer ein paar Überraschungen parat, deshalb sollte man in gw2 niemals auf Artikelnamen spekulieren ;) --
Drake 16:39, 6. Nov. 2012 (CET)
- Es gibt keine Quelle, dass das Gebiet auch so heißen wird. --Think 16:39, 6. Nov. 2012 (CET)
- Mein Indiz war die Teaser-Seite mit dem Text "Löst in der Verlorenen Küste ein Rätsel mit ungeheuerlichen Ausmaßen...". Wenn damit das Event gemeint ist, stünde da "Löst in "Die Verlorene Küste" ein Rätsel. Kann natürlich auch ein Fehler der Webdesigner sein, oder ich interpretiere zu viel hinein. Ich habe aber grade festgestellt, dass es ohnehin keinen Konflikt gäbe, da das Gebiet dann Verlorene Küste und nicht Die Verlorene Küste hieße. Hat sich also (vorerst) erledigt. --Grinhorn 17:20, 6. Nov. 2012 (CET)
- So viele Verlinkungen wird es bis zum Start sowieso nicht geben, und wenn es da ist, können wir immer noch schieben. --Think 17:24, 6. Nov. 2012 (CET)
- I win: Gebiet heißt Südlicht-Bucht, alles gut. Ich vermute allerdings es wird ein Meta-Event mit demselben Namen wie diese Seite hier geben, wenn es so wie beim Schatten des Verrückten Königs ist. Das würde ich dann hinten mit (Meta-Event) bezeichnen, weil diese Seite hier bereits auf der offiziellen Homepage verlinkt wird, und auf der Meta-Event-Seite sowieso nur die einzelnen Phasen des Meta-Events aus dem Spiel übertragen werden, während der echte Inhalt hier ist. --Think 20:01, 12. Nov. 2012 (CET)
- So viele Verlinkungen wird es bis zum Start sowieso nicht geben, und wenn es da ist, können wir immer noch schieben. --Think 17:24, 6. Nov. 2012 (CET)
- Mein Indiz war die Teaser-Seite mit dem Text "Löst in der Verlorenen Küste ein Rätsel mit ungeheuerlichen Ausmaßen...". Wenn damit das Event gemeint ist, stünde da "Löst in "Die Verlorene Küste" ein Rätsel. Kann natürlich auch ein Fehler der Webdesigner sein, oder ich interpretiere zu viel hinein. Ich habe aber grade festgestellt, dass es ohnehin keinen Konflikt gäbe, da das Gebiet dann Verlorene Küste und nicht Die Verlorene Küste hieße. Hat sich also (vorerst) erledigt. --Grinhorn 17:20, 6. Nov. 2012 (CET)
- Es gibt keine Quelle, dass das Gebiet auch so heißen wird. --Think 16:39, 6. Nov. 2012 (CET)
The Lost Shores and the Guild Wars 2 Wiki[Bearbeiten]
First of all, I'm sorry to intrude in the German wiki in English, as I don't speak German (I forgot all about my 7 years of teaching at school!). I'll also take this opportunity to send the thanks from the ArenaNet studio to the German wiki community, for all your hard work here!
I'd like to mention to the people of this wiki and in particular the ones that will be editing the Lost Shores article that I'm also discussing with some members of this wiki how to share some information about The Lost Shores, similarly to what I discussed here on the English GW2 wiki.
Hopefully I'll have a little bit of information for this page next week! You can let me know here or on talkpage (on the German or English wiki) if you have any question or comment. Thanks and we all hope that you're enjoying GW2 ^_^ (Nicht signierter Beitrag von Stéphane Lo Presti (Diskussion • Beiträge) )
- Glad to see you here around on the German wiki. It was yesterday, when I visited your talkpage on the English wiki and thought "wow...these English speaking guys are lucky to have someone listening and answering frequently." I hope it isn't a one-time-visit and you'll keep in touch with the German wiki community despite the language barrier. --Grinhorn 18:17, 8. Nov. 2012 (CET)
- I'll try my best. I'm in touch with a few German wiki editors but not directly on the wiki, because of the language barrier (I'm not sure everyone would be happy about me posting in English frequently here). --Stéphane Lo Presti talk 19:01, 12. Nov. 2012 (CET)
We've just published a new version of the event webpage: https://www.guildwars2.com/de/the-game/releases/november-2012/
I'll come back here to link to the press articles published today and talking about the event. Thanks. --Stéphane Lo Presti talk 19:01, 12. Nov. 2012 (CET)
- Thanks for the links, will get working on this as soon as possible! (I fixed your signature.) Also, I suppose we need some clarification on Ascended items, I sincerely hope they don't require gear grind.--Think 19:30, 12. Nov. 2012 (CET)
- We've got a blogpost that'll be published fairly soon. Thanks for the changes (testing it right now) --Stephane Lo Presti talk 19:54, 12. Nov. 2012 (CET)
- Thanks, Stéphane! We appreciate this cooperation. Scanning your blogpost frequently. --
Drake 20:14, 12. Nov. 2012 (CET)
- Thanks, Stéphane! We appreciate this cooperation. Scanning your blogpost frequently. --
- We've got a blogpost that'll be published fairly soon. Thanks for the changes (testing it right now) --Stephane Lo Presti talk 19:54, 12. Nov. 2012 (CET)
So here are the German press outlets that published articles about the Lost Shores today: Eurogamer, Buffed, Onlinewelten, CBS. --Stephane Lo Presti talk 20:19, 12. Nov. 2012 (CET)
New information: Wednesday November 14 (PST)[Bearbeiten]
Hi everyone. I'm very happy to bring to you some pieces of information (we don't want to give everything as surprise and discovery is part of the fun!) about the upcoming content of The Lost Shores. This is something I post on the Lost Shores' English talkpage (mentioning this in case I forget to put future updates here). Hopefully this will help you make decisions about how to best structure this page:
- Tomorrow there will be a few bits of “teasing” content in-game
- The Lost Shore event (starting on Friday) will have new dynamic events, some that will only be available during the weekend. Each phase of the event will be associated with a set of dynamic events and these events will generally not be available during the next phase. Here is a bit more details about the 3 phases of the vent:
- Phase 1: The epic attack at the beginning of the event will be in Lion's Arch. It will change the map forever and opens up the Fractals dungeon.
- Phase 2: Players will have to push back the Karkas from Kryta and go to the Southsun Cove, the Karka's lair (and new map), following a chain of dynamic events.
- Phase 3: This is the final chain of events leading to the last battle against the Karkas.
- The island (Southsun Cove map) will remain accessible after the event.
Let me know if you have questions (although I can't promise I'll reply). --Stephane Lo Presti talk 01:58, 15. Nov. 2012 (CET)
- Do you can tell, when the new build is planned to be deployed? Will it be intime with the launch of the free testing? I doubt, that you want to let players download and patch hundrets of MB, once Phase 1 begun. --Grinhorn 06:44, 15. Nov. 2012 (CET)
- I'm pretty sure most of the content will be in the update for today (the start time of trial period), and there is no need for a patch when each of the phases start. --Think 10:58, 15. Nov. 2012 (CET)
- I'd be happy if the update comes soon and isn't too large - i've got so called DSL light with 384k only (like still ~2% of the population in germany, dunno about other countries...), so it takes me ages to download >.< --Smiley™ 12:40, 15. Nov. 2012 (CET)
- Think: That was what I assumed...or hoped as well. Trial time started a few mins ago, but there is no patch. I HOPE you guys don't have the glory idea to set up the update when the event begins... meaning 9pm CET at primetime. But I assume it will go up during this night. --Grinhorn 18:16, 15. Nov. 2012 (CET)
- Im pretty sure that it is impossible to start the event and set up the new patch simultaneously. The patch will be here soon. --
Drake 19:10, 15. Nov. 2012 (CET)
- Im pretty sure that it is impossible to start the event and set up the new patch simultaneously. The patch will be here soon. --
- Think: That was what I assumed...or hoped as well. Trial time started a few mins ago, but there is no patch. I HOPE you guys don't have the glory idea to set up the update when the event begins... meaning 9pm CET at primetime. But I assume it will go up during this night. --Grinhorn 18:16, 15. Nov. 2012 (CET)
- I'd be happy if the update comes soon and isn't too large - i've got so called DSL light with 384k only (like still ~2% of the population in germany, dunno about other countries...), so it takes me ages to download >.< --Smiley™ 12:40, 15. Nov. 2012 (CET)
- I'm pretty sure most of the content will be in the update for today (the start time of trial period), and there is no need for a patch when each of the phases start. --Think 10:58, 15. Nov. 2012 (CET)
- Do you can tell, when the new build is planned to be deployed? Will it be intime with the launch of the free testing? I doubt, that you want to let players download and patch hundrets of MB, once Phase 1 begun. --Grinhorn 06:44, 15. Nov. 2012 (CET)
New information: Wednesday November 15 (PST)[Bearbeiten]
Today some English press sites shared previews of The Lost Shores content and I wanted the wiki community to be aware (original message on the Lost Shores' English talkpage):
- http://www.pcgamer.com/2012/11/15/guild-wars-2-the-lost-shores/
- http://massively.joystiq.com/2012/11/15/a-spoiler-free-jaunt-through-guild-wars-2s-lost-shores/
- http://guildwars2hub.com/features/editorials/hands-temple-silent-storm
I'll have a little bit more information to share with you at the end of today. --Stephane Lo Presti talk 19:07, 15. Nov. 2012 (CET)
- Patch notes are now available: https://forum-de.guildwars2.com/forum/info/news/Update-Notes-zum-Spiel-15-November-2012 --Stephane Lo Presti talk 00:13, 16. Nov. 2012 (CET)
Now I've got a bit more interesting information for this page, which I hope is going to help the wiki community build this page:
- The Karka have 4 evolutions (creatures)
- New recipes for crafting professions (200 recipes) and the Mystic Forge
- 3 new crafting materials, one new node and a new trophy item
- New achievements
- 2 jumping puzzles
- Around 30 new dynamic events overall
- 10 new important NPCs, part of the story
Hope this helps! --Stephane Lo Presti talk 02:03, 16. Nov. 2012 (CET)