Schaden an der Trotzleiste
- Benommenheit: <0,1 - 3½ Sekunden 1
100 (<1 s)
Aufwärtshaken (von Toben) Flammengeschoss Voller Konter Unterbrechender Stich
Finsterklinges Wagnis (trifft bis zu 6 mal)
Ablenkende Dolche
Polarischer Sprung
Trügerischer Magier Illusionsstoß Zeitfresser (pro Klon)
100 (1 s)
Knaufprügel Schädelbrecher Aufbrechendes Schmettern
Symbol der Rache (mit der Eigenschaft Unablässige Kritik)
Schild werfen Persönlichen Rammbock abfeuern Explosiver Auftritt (mit der Eigenschaft Blendgranate)
Donnerschlag Urzeit-Echos Benommenheitskreischen (mit Schwarzer Moa; trifft bis zu 3 mal) Blitz rufen (mit Sturmgeist)
Erstickungsgas Stehlen (mit der Eigenschaft Fingerfertigkeit)
Chaossturm (nur der erste Treffer) Geringerer Chaossturm (nur der erste Treffer; mit der Eigenschaft Methode des Wahnsinns) Ablenkung (pro Klon)
Betäubender Schlag (Komboabschluss Sprung in Kombofeld Licht)
150 (1.5 s)
Heftprügel (von vorne) Mond-Einschlag
Kraftsperre (mit Mantra der Ablenkung)
200 (2 s)
Ruf der Wildnis Sturmangriff (Felsgazelle Fertigkeit) Erschütterungsschuss Benommenheitskreischen (mit Rosa Moa) Glyphe der Gleichheit (wenn nicht in Himmlischer Avatar) Sturmangriff (Seelenwandler verschmolzen mit Felsgazelle)
Kopfschuss Effekt-Schlag Taktischer Schlag (während Flankieren)
Komet Magnetschub (mit Erdschild beschwören) Pfahlramme
Konterklinge Magische Kugel (das 2. Ziel)
Klageschrei der Verdammnis
Detonieren (mit einer Energiematrix)
300 (3 s)
Klageschrei der Verdammnis (mit der Eigenschaft Wehklagen der Banshee)
Technobabbel Kreischen (beim Benutzen von Zum Raben werden)
350 3 (3.5 s)
Kolbenhieb (mit einem Schildwächter-Gewehr)
100 (<1 s)
100 (1 s)
Erderschütterer (Stufe 1) Schädel spalten (Stufe 1) Wirbelnder Schlag (Stufe 1)
Schockblitz (beim gerufenen Luft-Elementar ) Transmute Lightning
Vorlage:Chronomancer Tides of Time (Up to 2 times)
Vorlage:Borderless Shocking Aura (when hit)
150 (1.5 s)
Vorlage:W Earthshaker (level 2) Vorlage:W Whirling Strike (level 2) Vorlage:Spellbreaker Disrupting Stab (on targets using skills)
Vorlage:R Hilt Bash (from the back)
Vorlage:Weaver Earthen Synergy
Vorlage:Reaper Executioner's Scythe
200 (2 s)
Vorlage:W Earthshaker (level 3) Vorlage:W Shield Bash Vorlage:W Skull Crack (level 2) Vorlage:W Whirling Strike (level 3) Vorlage:W Throw Boulder (from Rampage)
[[:en:{{{1}}}|{{{1}}}]] Static Shock [[:en:{{{1}}}|{{{1}}}]] Electrified Net (with Net Turret) [[:en:{{{1}}}|{{{1}}}]] Supply Crate
Vorlage:R Concussion Shot (When hit from behind)
Vorlage:Daredevil Palm Strike
Static Field (also skill of the same name with Conjure Lightning Hammer)
Vorlage:Reaper "Chilled to the Bone!"
250 (2.5 s)
Vorlage:Me Magic Bullet (first target)
300 (3 s)
Vorlage:Berserker Head Butt Vorlage:W Skull Crack (level 3)
Vorlage:Re Jade Winds
Signet of Domination
500 (5 s)
Vorlage:Borderless Flash Discharge (during the Cardinal Sabir fight with 5 stacks of Violent Currents) Vorlage:Borderless Stunning Strike (with a Metal Rod)
100 (1 s)
200 (2 s)
Vorlage:W Seismic Leap (from Rampage)
Vorlage:G Hammer of Wisdom
Vorlage:Re Drop the Hammer Vorlage:Renegade Scorchrazor
[[:en:{{{1}}}|{{{1}}}]] Slick Shoes
Vorlage:R Takedown (Smokescale skill) Vorlage:Soulbeast Brutal Charge (when melded with any canine pet) Vorlage:Soulbeast Takedown (when melded with smokescale pet)
Vorlage:Daredevil Hook Strike Vorlage:Daredevil Reflexive Strike (after blocking with Bandit's Defense)
Earthquake Vorlage:Weaver Mud Slide
Charge (with Summon Flesh Golem) Vorlage:Scourge Oppressive Collapse
Vorlage:Borderless Unstable Magic Volley (while gliding in Bloodstone Fen and Lake Doric; hits up to 3 times) Leap (when using Become the Wolf) Vorlage:Borderless Cannonball (with Forceful Impact mastery) Vorlage:Borderless Throw Rock (with a Rock (level 22))
300 (3 s)
Vorlage:W Backbreaker Vorlage:W Bull's Charge Vorlage:W Tremor
Vorlage:G Bane Signet
[[:en:{{{1}}}|{{{1}}}]] Explosive Rockets (with Rocket Turret)
Vorlage:Soulbeast Brutal Charge (when melded with any porcine pet)
Vorlage:Thief Pitfall Vorlage:Deadeye Binding Shadow (on marked target only)
Meteor (when holding Boulder)
Vorlage:Chronomancer Gravity Well (first pulse)
Rocket Jump (with equipped Charrzooka) Vorlage:Borderless Throw Ember Charge
400 (4 s)
Vorlage:W Backbreaker (against weakened foes)
500 (5 s)
Vorlage:Borderless Smash (with a Termite Shovel)
Vorlage:W Stomp
Vorlage:G Banish
Vorlage:Herald Chaotic Release
[[:en:{{{1}}}|{{{1}}}]] Booby Trap [[:en:{{{1}}}|{{{1}}}]] Personal Battering Ram [[:en:{{{1}}}|{{{1}}}]] Thump (with Thumper Turret) [[:en:{{{1}}}|{{{1}}}]] Elixir X (Debris Tornado and Dust Charge while as a Tornado) Vorlage:Holosmith Holographic Shockwave (in Photon Forge mode) Vorlage:Holosmith Prime Light Beam
Vorlage:R Spike Trap Vorlage:R Lightning Assault (with Electric Wyvern.) Vorlage:R Head Toss (with rock gazelle) Vorlage:R Wing Buffet (Used by any Wyvern) Vorlage:Soulbeast Wing Buffet (soulbeast) (when melded with any wyvern pet)
Vorlage:Daredevil Uppercut (Impact Strike second cast) Vorlage:Deadeye Shadow Gust (on marked target only)
Wind Blast (with equipped Lightning Hammer) Tornado (Debris Tornado and Dust Charge while as a Tornado)
Charge (with Summon Flesh Golem)
Vorlage:Borderless Channeled Agony (downed with Spectral Agony mastery trained) Vorlage:Borderless Roll Out (Engage skill) (with Wrecking Ball mastery) Howl (when using Become the Wolf) Vorlage:Borderless Bomb (bundle skill) (with a Bandit's Improvised Bomb, Bomb (consumable), Explosive Charge, Miner's Explosive Charge, Seaweed Bomb or Vigil Clearing Device) Vorlage:Borderless Hypernova Launch (in Shattered Observatory after defeating Viirastra/Artsariiv)
Vorlage:Berserker Wild Blow
[[:en:{{{1}}}|{{{1}}}]] Big Ol' Bomb [[:en:{{{1}}}|{{{1}}}]] Overcharged Shot Vorlage:Scrapper Blast Gyro
Charge (when using Become the Bear) Vorlage:Borderless Plank Buster (with a Wooden Plank, Plank, or Pirate's Peg Leg)
Vorlage:W Kick (also available from Rampage) Vorlage:W Rifle Butt Vorlage:W Repeating Shot (4 hits) Vorlage:W Staggering Blow Vorlage:Berserker Wild Blow (does not affect the initial target)
Vorlage:G Shield of Absorption Vorlage:Dragonhunter Deflecting Shot
Vorlage:Re Forceful Displacement Vorlage:Re Surge of the Mists (up to 9 hits in total) Vorlage:Re Energy Expulsion
[[:en:{{{1}}}|{{{1}}}]] Air Blast [[:en:{{{1}}}|{{{1}}}]] Throw Mine (and Detonate follow up skill) [[:en:{{{1}}}|{{{1}}}]] Magnetic Inversion
Vorlage:R Point-Blank Shot Vorlage:R Counterattack Kick Vorlage:Druid Glyph of the Tides Vorlage:Soulbeast Tail Lash (when melded with any devourer pet)
Vorlage:Deadeye Shadow Gust
Gust Vorlage:Tempest Tidal Surge Crashing Waves (while having an Ice Elemental summoned)
Vorlage:Me Illusionary Wave
Rocket Spray (with equipped Charrzooka) Heavy Swipe (when using Become the Bear) Wind blast (when using Become the Raven) Dash (when using Become the Snow Leopard) Vorlage:Skill icon (with a Wooden Plank, Plank, or Pirate's Peg Leg)
Vorlage:Spellbreaker Magebane Tether
Vorlage:G Pull (after using Binding Blade) Vorlage:Dragonhunter Hunter's Verdict Vorlage:Dragonhunter Dragon's Maw Vorlage:Firebrand Blazing Edge Vorlage:FirebrandChapter 3: Heated Rebuke (while using Tome of Justice)
Vorlage:Re Temporal Rift Vorlage:Re Call to Anguish
[[:en:{{{1}}}|{{{1}}}]] Magnet (with Tool Kit) [[:en:{{{1}}}|{{{1}}}]] Grappling Line Vorlage:Holosmith Prismatic Singularity
Vorlage:R Path of Scars Vorlage:Druid Glyph of the Tides (while in Celestial Avatar) Vorlage:Soulbeast Prelude Lash (when melded with a pet of the Versatile archetype) Vorlage:R Fang Grapple (Fanged Iboga skill)
Vorlage:T Scorpion Wire
Magnetic Shield (with Conjure Earth Shield) Vorlage:Tempest Cyclone
Into the Void Vorlage:Chronomancer Gravity Well (third pulse)
Spectral Grasp Vorlage:Reaper Grasping Darkness
Vorlage:Borderless Tail Spin (Raptor with Round Up mastery)
100 (1 s)
Vorlage:Chronomancer Gravity Well (second pulse)
125 (1.25 s)
Vorlage:Weaver Gale Strike
250 (2.5 s)
Vorlage:Weaver Tailored Victory
300 (3 s)
[[:en:{{{1}}}|{{{1}}}]] Toss Elixir X
600 (6 s)
Signet of Humility
150 (1.5 s)
Vorlage:T Basilisk Venom (also given to up to 4 nearby allies)
300 (3 s)
Deep Freeze (with equipped Frost Bow)
150 per pass
Vorlage:G Line of Warding Vorlage:G Ring of Warding Vorlage:G Sanctuary (hits up to 5 times or 7 times traited) Vorlage:Dragonhunter Dragon's Maw Vorlage:Dragonhunter Hunter's Mark (created by Hunter's Ward)
Vorlage:T Seal Area (on entering and exiting area)
Unsteady Ground (only once)